Whitman Council Inc. is a Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) that is funded by The Division of Housing and Community Development.

Whitman Council Inc. has been serving the South Philadelphia community since 1977.

Mission: The purpose of the Corporation is to advance the educational, civic, social, commercial, and economic interests and general welfare and prosperity of that part of the City of Philadelphia known as the Whitman area as well as to acquire, preserve and distribute educational, civic, social and commercial information of value; to have a part in the consideration and decision making of public policy in Municipal, county, State, and National affairs; to arrange, promote, conduct, sponsor, and hold dances, entertainment, social events, parties, picnics, musical programs and affairs for the amusement, advantages, and benefit of the people of the Whitman community.

Board: The board members serve for a term of 2 years. The term runs from October 1 through September 31.

To run for a Class A Director’s seat, you must live within the Whitman Boundaries (south side of Snyder Ave to I95 Below Pattison Ave, and from the east side of 7th Street to the Delaware River. The Officer seats require the same residency but, you must have served a FULL 2 year term as an A Director first.

Class B Directors are appointed by the sitting board at the time of application. There are 4 Officer seats, 9 Class A seats, and up to 5 Class B seats.